Review: Geo Bella Brown Circle Lenses


Geo Bella was my first ever circle lenses purchase so I went with brown to stay safe. My eyes are a dark brown (almost black) so I wanted to choose a color close to that. Details of the lenses:

Brand                    : Geo Medical (South Korea)
Diameter: 14.2mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal

I bought these for $19.90 at Pinky Paradise. They provide international shipping and it took about 3 weeks for the lenses to reach Jordan from Malaysia. Shipping was $7.


I never had a comfort issue with Geo lenses. But despite it stating it could last a year, I usually use it only for 3-4 months as after that they aren't so fresh anymore and make my eyes dry/tired faster. 


These are meant to look very natural. The color payoff is very subtle. There is a slight enlargement due to the lumbar ring, and to be honest I wasn't a fan of it. It made my eyes seem unnaturally big and I had to wear some eye makeup to mask it. 

closeup of the lenses in daylight (i'm indoor but facing the window)
the rose is practically screaming senorita! XD

I probably wouldn't repurchase from the Geo Bella line as I don't like the design. If you have bigger eyes or you like that big-eye look, but still want to look natural, these might be the ones for you! :D

how the lenses look on me

Rating: 4/5

Pinky Paradise is having a 50% off sale due to black friday! Go check them out if you're interested. Sale is for any yearly circle lenses. It starts today until 9 December 2015 :D

See you again next time! Thanks for reading.


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